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Middle America

For this school project, we were tasked with selecting a musical artist for which to design a final tour. I chose Eminem, and his final tour will follow the title of the album and takes place in Middle America, as seen on the tour date flyer. A book will also be released in conjunction with his tour, delineating the history of underground battle rap in Detroit. The content of the album was the main issue in designing the tour, as Eminem seemed to have exhausted his pool of potential inspiration. What I realized, however, was that he had barely tackled race in 20 years which was unusual considering his situation. What better time for him to speak up and out about an extraordinarily vital issue in present-day society. This project was also completed months before the release of his album Revival so no inspiration was taken from the actual album, which turned out to be vaguely similar to this project.



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The flyer has the tour map on the back.



Released in conjunction with his comeback tour, Underground Battle Rap is a history of  the underground battle rap scene in Detroit where Eminem initially made his name.

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Some of the process dedicated to determining the best subject for the album. Much of the work was listening to Eminem's current albums and researching his current and past sources of inspiration. The most interesting part of this process was how much thought had to go into ideating the album. The process was not as involved with sketching and researching as usual, most of the time spent was mulling over potential inspirations while listening to his music to glean some idea of what he might tackle next were he to release another album (which he did end up doing).